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News Release

Leiss selected as MOSHAPE’s 2023 Scholar of the Year

Nov. 2, 2023 | By Kayla Holman, communication assistant

Dr. Jodie Leiss, an associate professor of health and physical education at Northwest Missouri State University, has been selected as the Missouri Society of Health and Physical Educators (MOSHAPE) Scholar of the Year.

MOSHAPE is a statewide organization for professionals and future professionals in the field of health and physical education. MOSHAPE offers leadership and assistance to schools seeking to develop health and physical education programs and recognizes current or future health professionals for their achievements.

Dr. Jodie Leiss

Dr. Jodie Leiss

Leiss has been recognized by MOSHAPE for her professional leadership, teaching and outstanding scholarship. She has contributed to various physical education scholarly articles and book chapters, and she will summarize her findings and experience during her scholarly presentation at MOSHAPE’s convention next year.

Leiss joined Northwest’s faculty in 2016 and is the physical education curriculum coordinator. She has a bachelor’s degree in physical education from Emporia State University, a master’s degree in health, physical education and recreation from Emporia State University and her Ph.D. in curriculum and instruction from Kansas State University.

Additionally, she serves as the chair of Northwest’s Teacher Education Admissions Committee and is the faculty advisor for the Future P.E. Professionals Club.

“I love being a Bearcat,” Leiss said. “I love my colleagues, my students and the University.”

The Physical Educator’s Scholar of the Year award will be presented to Leiss Nov. 11 at MOSHAPE’s fall 2023 convention.


Dr. Mark Hornickel
Administration Building
Room 215